Chairs: Howard Morris & Julia Kuliwaba
Epigenetic Control of Inflammation and Bone Loss using Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors. (#205)
1:30 PM
Sclerostin Stimulates Osteocyte Support of Osteoclast Activity by a RANKL-Dependent Pathway (#206)
1:41 PM
Regional Heterogeneity of Trabecular Bone Microcrack Density in Association with Trabecular Microarchitecture and Bone Resorption in Whole Human Lumbar Vertebrae (#207)
1:52 PM
Vitamin D synthesis within osteoblasts and osteocytes mediates increased bone mineral apposition (#208)
2:03 PM
Loss of lysosomal β-glucuronidase activity decreases osteoclast recruitment and activity. (#209)
2:14 PM
Hip bone marrow lesions in asymptomatic and osteoarthritic adults: prevalence, risk factors and significance (#210)
2:25 PM
Inhibition of Wnt-β-catenin signalling pathway reduces bony but promotes cartilage repair at injured growth plate in rats (#211)
2:36 PM
Mechanical Loading Response In Trabecular Bone Is Abrogated By Sclerostin - A Direct Demonstration (#212)
2:47 PM